About the JoInME Project

Following the
outbreak of Covid-19, the education sector was particularly affected. The
normal pedagogical flow was disrupted and teachers had to quickly adapt to
transform their courses digitally. Now the situation is still very uncertain in
most countries which is why high quality digital or hybrid content has to be
created or enhanced to deal with unknown situations and ensuring young people
still have access to knowledge.
At the same time
industries have also been highly affected and as a result might hesitate to
hire fresh graduates or concentrate on their own development instead of
collaborating with higher education. Further, because
of travel restrictions we risk less intercultural cooperation and less concrete
partnerships. Through the JoInME project we aim to answer these problematics at
our own level, capacity and experience in order to equip HE teachers and their
students with a relevant, updated and resilient training program.

The JoInME project aims to:
- Create an innovative joint training program for higher education students interested in entrepreneurship in cutting-edge industry;
- Design an updated and adapted online quality training useful for professors/teachers looking for adapted content and resilient teaching techniques;
- Develop a hybrid program taking advantage of hybrid activities - online (training) and face-to face (mobilities if wished);
- Create a Guide Manual to organise online International multidisciplinary seminars to promote networking of institutions and collaboration between students across the EU;
- Ensure an opportunity for companies to give students real-case issues for them to work on, benefit from the environment and labs of the HEIs and eventually recruiting students after they graduate if they worked well on the project;
- Ensure an opportunity for business incubators and accelerators to be in touch with companies as potential clients.

JoInME project supports higher education teachers in delivering quality education and training to higher education students (18-25 years old), no matter their gender or social background, amid and post COVID-19 sanitary crisis on the topic of entrepreneurship. This is be achieved by offering an up-to-date joint intercultural and multidisciplinary training program on entrepreneurship in the field of AI for Industry 5.0.
More specifically:
- Ensuring students get high quality training for them to be able to build their own company through blended learning,
- Supporting teachers in the necessity to adapt to the situation and use digital resources and tools thus developing digital pedagogical competences for hybrid teaching,
- Offering a highly customizable training package both usable online and offline, that can be used in various countries and professional sectors,
- Facilitating networking and multicultural entrepreneurial cooperation between higher education institutions and companies across the EU and beyond.
The JoInME training
programme has been built with comprehensive approach to train digital and
transversal skills which have been defined by World Manufacturing Forum as
sharply necessary for future industry.

Target Groups
The project’s main target group is teachers working in higher education institutions in the field of entrepreneurship as well as specific fields such as Artificial intelligence and industry driven by emerging technologies and faced emerging societal changes and realities. Moreover, Apart from these
the beneficiaries comprise also indirect target groups from the above-mentioned fields such as higher education students (18-25 years old), business incubators of start-ups, companies, trainers,
business mentors, coaches. After the life of the project, more target groups become relevant, such as SME chambers, Business Innovation Centers, entrepreneurship associations, public officials responsible for entrepreneurship/growth.